Kentucky Bluegrass Basketball

Basketball in Kentucky is more than a game. It is personal. It is how an entire state expresses its pride, feelings and emotions. From the small coal mine towns of eastern Kentucky to the heartland of the bluegrass and the river towns of the west, Kentuckian and film star Ashley Judd narrates a timeless journey through the sights and sounds of this game that defines Kentucky like no other place. ESPN The Season captures the emotions of players, fans and coaches as expectations of success and hard work weave a common fabric through all levels ranging from small schools to big schools and college. Basketball in Kentucky in many ways became the only avenue for success in areas that were economically depressed. Over the course of a 75 year love affair in the state of Kentucky, basketball has become the one uniting celebration of a better time and championship opportunity for the underdog. Experience the journey through high school legends and teams and the impact of their success in this three-part Special Edition DVD as ESPN The Season presents: `Bluegrass Basketball`. This DVD contains the complete three part edition of ESPN The Season: "Bluegrass Basketball", without commercial interruption, presented in fullscreen (1.33:1) digital video. Chapter points on the DVD allow you to jump directly to each chapter. With this DVD, you are in control of each frame of video of this tribute to the roots of basketball in Kentucky and how a game has grown to become the symbol for one state.


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